Saturday, January 23, 2010

This weather has been crazy. Traveling back and forth across the Atlantic has made quite a few things evident.

Most constant on my mind is: The Weather.

Weather has played an incredibly important role in a lot the past few months. I flew home from a place that normally doesn't get too much snow, throughout the winter. Therefore not being well suited enough to handle the blizzard thrown its way. [Which amounted to less than an inch of snow]

Imagine my surprise upon arriving to a city with a semi-functioning metro system in the midst of a blizzard that produced about two feet of snow...


Shortly before my return to location A [one inch of snow] I received news of another weather related event in a climate I would have done many things to be in [more about that later]

Long story short, I've begun to marvel at the control weather or 'natural' elements have on humans moment to moment existence. The most life altering [no matter how miniscule they may seem now, they altered life in some way, be it for seconds, days, weeks etc] weather changes are forever embedded in my memory.

It puts my... our lack of control into perspective. I believe thats why I never had a problem with weather conversation. It was never small talk for me, weather plays a large part in human activity.

Anyhow, its been over a month. I've been dealing with what seems like perpetual transition. Its getting a little comfortable actually and I'm trying to figure out a balance here, so bare with me.